Glyos Wiki
Variable Reflex Driver Captain
Vital statistics
Name Kynorrun
Species Traveler
Origin Unknown


Task Force Volkriun Reforged[]

"Responding to an urgent distress signal sent from the Point Cerrek Space Station located high above Planet Esedeth, Task Force Volkriun mobilizes under the new leadership of the formidable Commander Vulldren. Outfitted with the latest Variable Reflex Driver technology and tactics, the battle hardened unit stands prepared for the worst. Reforged and sworn to never let their legion fall to ruin again, they forever honor the many brothers they lost at the Siege of Volkria. But will their collective might alone be enough to challenge the true enemy of the Glyos System?"[1]

The Xenodeth Outbreak[]

"Task Force Volkriun receives a distress call from Esedeth Mobile Patrol and runs into a new form of the Villser."[2]

Task Force Volkriun: The Xenodeth Outbreak[]

Wave 71

VRD Captain Kynorrun[]

Includes bonus scarf. 14 total parts. $10

